Sunday, June 12, 2011


If you come to our house on any given day you would most likely find a superhero ......

Of some sort!

"Super dish boy?"...... He fights crime one dish at a time!!!

Sweet Karate Angel...... "I'll knock you out with my cuteness"!!!
Samson, (what happened to his long hair?) or as he is know around our house "SamSam".
The amazing Spider Dude...... making sure the baseball players are safe from crime.

Mario VS Spiderman...... I guess even the good guys go bad?
Oh no not Molly...... I was so sure she was one of the good ones!
It's all in a hard day's work.....

Mother's Day!

Dad and the boys were super amazing to me this year for mothers day. They made me these cute flower planters and dad even took some great pictures so I could see all the hard work they did! I loved them!!! Now if I could only keep plants alive :/

Pinewood Derby Boy Scout Style!

Troop 153

Even Pate was excited to line up his car that daddy help him build (not pinewood style but it was a fun project *see car to the far left*). Didn't the boys do great!!??

Brad even won third place! WTG buddy!

Pate's Swimming LessOns!

Payton loved his swimming lessons......
Especially the last day when they let him fly like Spiderman!
The diving board was a little scary.....
But ended up being a ton of fun!!!!

Ding, Ding, Ding..... Session 1 is DONE!

Road Trip!

Austin was a much needed time away. It was a great time getting to bond with new friends and have some time for me. I had so much fun on our quick little trip to Austin for a luncheon but it was also so great to return home to my family feeling very refreshed and ready to take on summer ;)!

Field Day!

He is getting so big and time is going so quickly..... How does one make it go slower?

I had to get a few pictures of this for evidence, this child NeVeR dances!
This is his best bud, Sean.

Check it out more dancing!!!!!!!

Go Brad-Lee Go!

How cute are their field day shirts? They have each classmate's signature on them. So fun!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Go Honey GO!

For your entertainment ..... THE one ..... THE only...... HANDSOME... WONDERFUL..... HUBBY MAC ;) !!!!!!!! (We had the privilege to make it to the Fire and Ice Karate Tournament this past weekend, hubby fought and did well despite feeling pretty darn awful..... hubbers YOU ROCK!)