Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh What a Crazy FeW wEeks we haVe had!!

We may or may not have Christmas cards out this year, but here are some cute family pictures for my family to enjoy. I'm so sorry about the cards, I have done everything I could think of to get them out, and so far all forces are against us........ SOMETHING DOES NOT WANT OUR PICS ON CARDS ;)!!! I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and an awsome and SAFE New Year!!! LOVE YOU ALL!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Boisterous, that's what my friend said when she was describing her boys the other day.

Boisterous: Noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy.

BOYsterous: McAlisters.

Lol, yup that is what we are. For a while I was a little ashamed of how loud my bunch can be. I thought we were not fitting the mold of the quiet, properly sitting bunch. But you know what...... WE ARE A BOISTEROUS BUNCH AND I WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING ABOUT IT. My boys are very respectful and are amazing young men. Brad was the only one this quarter to get A honor roll in his class, he does very well in school. Pate is a very strong willed little boy, he is the most loving little man, and he will always defend his family. I love these boisterous kids.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gardening is done for the year.....


Getting bigger....


Then after all our zucchini plants died out we decided to pull them all and plant other things. Next year we may start that a little earlier because they didn't mature before our first freeze and it killed out all our "fall crops". I've been told that we could cover them with a sheet to help protect them. We are learning as we go.

We just got a couple ears of corn this year but it was a fun experience and we didn't expect to live off of our garden. :)
This is where we are calling it the end this year. We have tons of green tomatoes but the plants froze over so we are placing them in bags and hoping they ripen nicely. I see lots of canned salsa in our future.

It was a lot of fun this year on our new adventure but it was also a lot of work. We shall see if there is a season two, if so we shall plant our tomatoes a little earlier to avoid hundreds of green tomatoes at the end of the season..... haha!

B is for Batman!!!

Just ask Pate.....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting Ready for Church and Making Memories!

Lately we have really started to notice how quickly time passes. Just last month our baby turned 7. With the passing of loved ones it makes it even more clear. I was thinking the other day, as we were all getting ready for church, it's these little things that I enjoy so much. The rushed Sunday mornings don't seem so memorable when your in the middle of them, but they are the things I'm going to miss when my babies grow and leave the nest.

How handsome is this wonderful man?

... Daddy helping Pate do his hair.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fun Saturday with family and friends!

We had a fun morning. I got up early and worked out with a good friend at the church. After, we took a quick trip to Target where we found a great deal on M&M's. Whoot!!! I came home and decided we needed to get busy and use some of the yummy treats. ;)

Later Brad's best friend came into town so we had a blast hanging out with our buds. This is Brad-Lee's best friend, Jason...

Pate had fun too... OH NO!

It has been a great Saturday........ AND IT'S NOT OVER YET!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

A again?

Mom wasn't feeling well today so we decided to take it easy and stay home. I'm very glad we did because we had a wonderful, quiet morning.

One of our favorite blogs... 1+1+1=1